How Much Will Your Scaffolding Cost? Important Factors to Consider

Posted on: 11 July 2019

Scaffolding is a critical component of any construction project. These support structures provide a much-needed platform for workers as they carry out building repairs or construction activity.

There are many different types of scaffolding, ranging from narrow wooden structures to expansive metal frames. Therefore, the cost of your scaffold will depend on its size, material, installation expense and load carrying capacity.

This piece will explore each cost factor individually and how much you're likely to spend when looking to purchase a scaffold.    

1. Material

The material used for your scaffold will significantly influence how much it will cost. For example, wooden and PVC scaffolding is cheaper than aluminium or stainless steel. The material you choose will also determine functionality. In most cases, wooden scaffolds are excellent for minor building repairs that only require several workers at a time.

PVC scaffolds are useful for window cleaners and other light tasks. But if you're designing a building from scratch (or carrying out significant repairs), an aluminium scaffold is the best option available. Stainless steel is also durable and capable of upholding heavy equipment while work is being done.

2. Transportation and labour

When you purchase scaffolding, it will come in numerous small parts that will need to be assembled. You should first determine how much it will cost to transport all the necessary components even before planning for assembly. If the parts can be fitted on a truck or van, you may be able to save significantly on transportation. Make sure the manufacturer safely compacts and packs all components in a convenient manner.

When it comes to labour, consider how assembly will be carried out. The length and width of each component will affect labour costs, along with how large you want the scaffolding to be. Scaffolds that will wrap around the entire building will cost more than those simply targeted to a small section.   

3. Custom designs

Depending on the nature of your operations, you may need scaffolding that can support power tools such as drills, electric cutters and power saws. This means that your scaffold will require special platforms, fixtures and electrical outlets. These custom modifications will add to the cost of your scaffolding.  

4. Load carrying capacity

If you need a scaffold with high load carrying capacity, you should be prepared to spend more. Such scaffolding is sturdy and made from materials such as aluminium and stainless steel. The structure may also contain steel reinforced edges and platforms to sustain heavy equipment on the construction site. Each scaffold will be rated for a maximum load, which may include the number of workers and weight of tools. 
