Understanding Wastewater Design

Posted on: 25 March 2020

There are two types of properties when it comes to wastewater treatment and disposal: properties that are provided with water authority services and those that are not.

•    Properties That Are Provided with Council or Water Authority Services (these are mostly urban areas): These properties are supplied with a sewer system that directs all wastewater from different households to a central location owned, controlled and maintained by the council or water authority organisation for treatment and disposal purposes.

•    Properties That Are Not Provided with Council or Water Authority Services (un-serviced sites, which are mostly rural or suburban areas): These properties need to install a means of disposing of their wastewater (water from bathrooms, kitchens, laundry areas, toilets, etc.) to enhance sanitisation.

Wastewater Design

This is a laid-out plan of the installation process of a wastewater system that covers what should be done before, during and after its installation. It should be put together by a wastewater system/design specialist.

You should know that there are different types of wastewater disposal systems that may include composting systems, AWTS (aerated wastewater treatment systems), septic tanks, soakage trenches, etc. The wastewater system design specialist you hire should have specialisation in the particular system you want to install.

Stages of A Wastewater System Installation

•    Planning involves the identification of the most suitable wastewater system (this is based on various factors like the soil properties of the site, availability of space, number of households, etc.), the area where the wastewater system will be installed, the boundaries it should not cross, how it is to be installed, identification of the specialists needed, identification of materials required and the total cost of the wastewater system.

An accurate drawing of the entire wastewater system is drawn up indicating where each component goes and the amount of space each part requires. This drawing guides the installers by ensuring precision and quality installation work. The soil is also tested to find out how well it can absorb treated wastewater.

•    Installation: This is the stage where the wastewater system is installed following the plan mentioned above. The wastewater design specialist is present to guarantee that his or her design is followed by the installers.

•    After Installation: The wastewater system has to be commissioned to find out whether it is working effectively and efficiently without any leaks. It is usually inspected over the next few days or weeks to ensure it is working as it should. 
