Why More Land Surveyors Are Choosing Drone Technology to Create Their Surveys

Posted on: 18 March 2019

The role of the land surveyor has formed an important part of property purchases for many years, but the way a land surveyor carries out their role has often varied over time. In the past, it was common to see a land surveyor out working with a theodolite to accurately measure distances and to define the boundaries and topography of your property. Today a land surveyor will still need the same data, but now you are just as likely to see a land surveyor gathering their data by using a drone rather than by walking the property and physically measuring the ground.

How are drones used by a land surveyor?

All drones employed in land surveying are fitted with scanning technology to allow them to effectively record the ground they fly over. Typically this technology will include 3D laser scanning devices that can sweep a wide area to collect data which can be used to create highly detailed digital maps. Here are three ways that a land surveyor could use a drone to make your land purchase or building project run more smoothly.

Accurately measure challenging terrain

If you are buying a small plot of land in a residential area, then obtaining accurate measurements may not be too challenging. By contrast, if you are buying a larger plot of land with more challenging terrain, mapping the area in a survey will be much more difficult. Why should a land surveyor have to struggle to cover miles of difficult territory when a remotely operated drone can achieve the same result?

Reduce survey time

Physically measuring a large piece of land could take weeks of hard work, all of which adds substantially to the cost of the survey. Flying a remote drone over the area can produce detailed, accurate results in only a few hours. It is quicker and certainly far easier to map the area using drone technology.

Reduce manpower costs

How many people does a land surveyor have in their typical team? The answer will always depend on the complexity of the job at hand. If they need to cover a large area on foot, then the logistics involved will be extensive and will need significant human resources to manage. If the mapping job can be done remotely by a drone, then fewer people are needed and the costs of the entire project will be greatly reduced.

If you want the best survey results produced quickly, then find a land surveyor who is able to use drones to create their maps.
